On the way to get groceries today, I saw that the University is harvesting already. That would explain why I feel like I have a hairball in my throat. Thus begins the hell that will continue til the very first hard freeze. UGH.
It is also apparent that Brie has inherited this affliction as well. I will be discussing this with her doctor. They've been hesitant to diagnose her as allergic. They claim they don't do that til they are 2 yrs old. Well, she's close enough! :D
We went grocery shopping today. She did really well beings she felt like crap. Her eyes were all watery, she was droopy, and her nose was runny. But, she was a very good girl!
She also napped for me today, unlike yesterday. I predict an early bedtime today...for both mommy and baby!
Friday, August 25, 2006
It's Harvest time
Posted by Nickol at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Oh my! Brianna woke up in a tizzy yesterday and it seems to be only slightly better today. If she wasn't whining, she was being naughty (namely getting into the dogs' water dish).
I don't know if those 2 teeth are finally coming in or if she is just dealing with some allergy issues. I do know that she isn't sleeping well. Tuesday night she was up crying at 11:30pm and then again at about 12:30. Last night, I heard her about 3-4 times.
I certainly hope this is all short lived!
Back to naughtiness. She just came to me and burped up a bubble. She had gotten into the dish soap and drank some. Pretty funny to see 2 bubbles escape from her mouth. Under the kitchen sink is now cleared out of all the "fun" stuff.
Posted by Nickol at 9:57 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Update on yesterday
First, I don't think she napped. She was quiet upstairs, but when I went to get her at three she popped right up with no whining. She didn't look like she had just woken up.
Then we were off to my friend's house. We were slightly late, but oh well. She loved being the center of attention. I'm the only one with a baby. Julie has 3 teenage step children, but they weren't there.
Brie enjoyed playing with the keeshond puppy. She's a little ball of fur, the dog, not Brie...LOL They loved chasing each other around and taking toys from each other. Yeah, Brie doesn't like sharing with a dog. *eyeroll*
My friend Jill has a playset out in her backyard from the previous owner. It is about 6-7 ft high and only has a wooden ladder going to the top, no steps. So Brie decides she really wants to slide and doesn't come and tell me...she just starts up the ladder. So I help her a few times and then she's off and running with the dogs (there were also 2 beagles and a greyhound there).
Soon, I'm talking with Julie and Jill and I can see them watching something over my shoulder. I turn around and Brie is 2 rungs from the top. I jump up and run over to finish helping her. I think I yelled "Oh my god!" before running over there. My little daredevil. Julie and Jill just laughed at me saying they were watching her and she was doing just fine. EEK!
We didn't get to stay long, we had to go to my parent's house. Brie threw a fit. When I opened the car door, she threw herself in the grass crying. I had to bribe her into the carseat with Teddy Grahams.
We get to my parent's house and my brother gives her his gift. Its a really soft bear attached to a blanket. Brie looks at it and starts crying "Bear". But she is mad that the blanket won't come off of it. She tries to rip them apart saying, "Stuck". She gives it to my mom to "fix" and then my dad to "fix". When that fails, she throws it on the floor and stomps off crying.
If you bring the blanket near her she freaks out and starts crying. She'll actually run away from it. So, we put it away for a while and my mom gives her the plastic pail and shovel. She likes that! She calms down and righ before dinner I try the blanket again.
Its still "stuck". She's not freaking out over it though. It was still "stuck" when we got home and she showed her dad. I gave it to her to sleep with and it was outside the crib this morning. I brought it down this morning, but she'll only look at it.
Its a really pretty soft blanket and it was expensive. Apparently, Brie doesn't care!
Here's the bear:
Posted by Nickol at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 21, 2006
Puppies and Kitties Oh my!
The whole weekend consisted of puppies and kitties. On Friday we went and saw the neighbor's 6 puppies. They are poster children for mixed breeds. The mom is a schnauzer, terrier, and something else mix...kinda looks like Toto, but more silver.
Her puppies are all different. There is a tan female that looks like a wirehaired terrier. There is a male that is a tan mottled color...sort of like a daschaund. 2 males are like a keeshond all fluffy and silvery. And the final two sort of look like her. They are about 6-7 weeks old.
Then we went across the street to the park and a girl had 5 kittens. 1 orange tabby male, 1 tabby male, 2 black and white males, and a calico female. I, of course, had to sex them for them. Brie liked playing with the kitties more than the puppies.
Then on Saturday I drove to Mead to pick up a basset puppy to deliver to my friend Jill. He is cute! He's all skin and legs and ears. He's white with brown and black spots. He has the cutest little face. His name is "Scamp", but he doesn't know his name and he's 4 months old.
I was going to keep him at our house til Monday, but it just wasn't working out. Brie was scared of him, my dogs hated him, and he didn't want to be left alone. I felt like I had 2 toddlers and I was exhausted after 4 hrs! So I took him to Omaha on Sunday. What a relief!
Jill was going to try and find him a home, but it wasn't working out at her house either. Her dogs were not liking the puppy at all. So, she had to take him to the pound. Once she turned him over, a co-worker of hers came down and said that his dad had been wanting a basset puppy. So, puppy has a home! Yay!
Today, we are going to Omaha to hang out with Jill and Julie. Its been so long since we've all been together. I am so excited! We are going to have a blast. Then, I am going to head over to my parent's house to visit with them. I guess my brother bought Brie something. He won't tell me what, though. Scary!
Posted by Nickol at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Long time no blog
We have been so off schedule its not even funny! Brie has been sleeping in til about 11 everyday which totally throws the whole day off. Today, we've started a "normal" day by getting up at 8 (I had to set the alarm).
Not sure what the deal is, but its probably just her recovering from being sick last week. At least, that's what I hope the deal is! She went to bed at 7 ish last night and was still sound asleep at 8 this morning.
We will be rescuing a basett puppy this weekend. I will be taking it to Omaha to be fostered there. The puppy is 4 months old and its previous owner can't house break it. At four months, its not going to be potty trained yet, but whatever. I'll be picking him up either Friday or Saturday.
Brie's presence has been requested at grandma's house. Unka dunk bought her something and he won't tell me what. That sorta scares me since he keeps saying he wants to get her a power wheels motorcycle. EEK! I know its not shoes since he mentioned that they forgot to look at those while they were out and about. We'll probably go over there Saturday or Monday...not sure yet which.
That's about it from this end. I'm dragging today since I've been used to sleeping way in! But, I have to do some stuff around here and it was harder than hard to do with her "help" yesterday!
Posted by Nickol at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Back to the store
Went back to the store today, but remembered everything this time! Yay!
I woke up with a horrid headache. I believe it came from the trip to the vet the other day. Whisper is a short haired cat, but when he's nervous, he can kick up quite the fur storm. That vet office was covered in a layer of white fur. While I was at the store, I grabbed some allergy meds and took them right away....RELIEF!
Brie is back to her charming self. I love having my girl back. Her schedule is still messed up. I think I'm going to start weaning her off of the benadryl...its doing a number on her. I don't think she needs it anymore. The rash is almost gone and it doesn't bother her during the day.
Well, that's my uneventful day. Much of the same tomorrow. Whoooppppeee!
Also, Brie turned 22 months today.
Posted by Nickol at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 11, 2006
The Grocery store and more
I decided we NEEDED to go to the grocery store since we had no milk in the house. Brie was feeling pretty good, so I thought we'd make a quick trip. Well, as quick as you can living 30-45 minutes from town...LOL.
We get to the store, she'd munched on dry cereal and drank 1 sippy of kool-aid. I thought about changing her diaper, but decided to just get to the shopping. I hate shopping, so the quicker we can get out the better!
I pick up a Tracfone since my last one took a swim in watermelon juice. When the clerk tried to scan it, it wouldn't work. I had to follow them to two other checkstands before they could ring it up.
By the time we got done, I went to change her diaper, but it was too late. The diaper had leaked. Of course, beings this was just going to be a short trip, I didn't pack extra shorts. I felt so bad leaving Walmart with just a shirt on her...but what was I to do? :D
We get home and I try to put her down for a nap, but she'd rather chat up there and say her ABC's and count. Finally, she falls asleep at around 3:00pm. We are so off schedule I'm not sure we'll ever get back on track. Granted, the 10:30 am wake-ups are great!
Oh and I forgot the butter, razors, and to return the toilet seat while I was there. Guess who's going back to the store tomorrow?
Posted by Nickol at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Wow, no trips to the doc or the ER
We made it a whole 24 hrs with out a trip to the ER or to the doctor! However, we did make a trip to the vet. One of the cats, Whisper, has a bump on his lower lip making it swollen. Turns out its like a human canker sore. He got a shot of steroids and has to have a fish oil supplement in his food.
Fun times at our house!
Tomorrow, I believe, we will be grocery shopping. I have to pick up canned cat food so that I can give Whisper his supplement. It has to be added to food and we do free-feed for all the cats. Its imperative he get the whole dose. Its not bad if the other cats get it, he just has to get all of it. The joys of a multi-cat household!
I got to see an old friend today. She works at the vet we go to. She actually pulled strings to get us in today and at a convenient time for us. We have tentative plans for a girl's day on some Monday. People used to refer to her as my twin when we worked at the same place.
I think that's it for now. I need to go let the dog's outside to potty. I should shower too.
Posted by Nickol at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Back to the ER again
We had to go back to the ER again last night. She had developed a rash and after calling my mom, she thought it may be scarlet fever. Great. So off to Children's Hospital we went.
After waiting almost an hour, we get in to see the doc. He asks if there is anything new in the house and we tell him now. He asks about her illness and we tell him. He looks at the rash and determines that it is just part of the virus that she has.
He assures us the rash isn't contagious to the touch, but her excretions are. So, if she coughs, sneezes, pees, or poops on you...she'll spread it to ya. My hands are dry and peeling from all the hand washings....ugh.
We have benedryl for the itchiness. Hopefully we are on the downward trend of this stupid super bug, whatever it is. I am now going to be anal about wiping down those shopping carts!
Posted by Nickol at 11:30 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Road to recovery
I think we are on the mend. She woke up this morning and didn't insist on bringing down her blankie or her binky. Yay! However, last night was horrendous! She was up at 1, down at 2, up at 2:30-4. Yeah, not a fun night. Mommy is a walking zombie that feels like she has a hang-over.
I did get the bathroom sanitized and most of her cloth diapers wshed up during the nights escapades. I also was able to watch 1/2 a movie. We listened to the storm outside. Thankfully, she's not afraid of storms, even the loud ones.
Today, she ate much better...still less than normal, but she's not refusing very much. She's also drinking all liquids even plain water. That's a good thing, I wasn't liking the kool-aid!
She is down for a nap, which took some convincing. I am hoping that she is trying to get back to her schedule. I don't think I can handle another night like last night. I just might have to crawl into bed when she does, just in case!
Posted by Nickol at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 07, 2006
The sickies continue
She is getting worse. She has brief periods, usually when the motrin kicks in, where she feels like playing. Then its back to wanting to be held and moaning. She slept from 11am-4:30pm yesterday. Then, she was back to bed at 8. She barely drank and we got bits and pieces in her to eat (pudding, jell-o, baby cereal).
I went to bed around 11:30 last night, I was exhausted. As soon as I started drifting off to sleep, I heard her start crying. I knew something was wrong, so I went in to her room. I picked her up and could hear her trying to swallow and could tell she was having a tough time of it.
It was time for more motrin, so I gave her a dose. I put small squirts in so that it wouldn't be as hard to swallow, but she had a tough time anyway. She started gagging and then threw up. I took her into the bathroom to clean her up, then deposited her on our bed so I could go clean her room.
After her room was clean, I called my mom (she's a nurse) to see if I should take her into the ER. My mom was concerned that if it was pharyngitis it could swell and she'd have trouble breathing. So off to the ER we went.
I don't drive well at night, but had to do it. Rick had to get up in a few hours to go to work and we can't afford for him to take time off. It was raining which added to my stress driving into town, but we made it.
The ER doc did a brief exam and then discharged us saying that it was just an upper respiratory infection. I think its more than that, so we are going to the doctor's today in about 15 minutes.
I certainly hope they can help us out. She isn't eating and barely drinking because her throat hurts. That's not good on a little body and I know they can get dehydrated super fast...especially in the hot summer time. Wish us luck!
Doctor update
Its a virus. Fabulous! All I got was to keep her hydrated. Yes, I already know this....now tell me how to get it done. *sigh*
I did manage to get about 24 oz of kool-aid down her (not the best, but the only thing she'd drink). She ate 1/2 a hotdog and some mac-n-cheese. She also had a bite of pudding.
The light has returned to her eyes, the fever is down, but diarrhea has come. I am hoping its just her body ridding itself of the virus. She's talking more and not whining as much. Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal.
Posted by Nickol at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 05, 2006
She's sick
She was running a 100.1 temp and it was taken axillary. Poor kid! We pushed fluids and eventually got food into her. The motrin worked its magic and she's trying to sleep. Which isn't going well. She keeps crying. I forsee a doctor's visit in our future on Monday.
I was able to get some things done today, but the schedule was way off due to her not waking up until 11am. It was nice to sleep in, but boy that throws you for a loop! Our morning routine turned into the afternoon one and then it was just a mess!
I hope today goes a little bit better and that she starts feeling a tad better. I have a feeling it is her ears. She is teething which usually means ear infection time. I'll be so glad when she has all her teeth.
Today was another hot one. How I long for a place that has 78 year round. I want to live there!
Posted by Nickol at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 04, 2006
Productive day
This morning I decided to grocery shop. It was a beautiful day outside, so there would be no melting in the car on the way to the store. Brie and I had lunch at Taco Bell. She didn't eat much as she had a peanutbutter sandwhich right before leaving home. She did eat a bit of cheese, some tomatoes, and some taco meat. She helped me eat the cinnamon twists.
Then we went grocery shopping. She did really well until we hit the check out lane. The checker had did something wrong with the guy's check and he had to be re-checked out again. How frustrating. Meanwhile, Brie is getting whiney and clingy. I try to keep her entertained so that the whines don't escalate to howls and screams.
On the way out of the store, I stopped to change the diaper. Last time, I made the mistake of not doing that and she had an uncomfortable ride home. Not cool to have a wailing toddler in the back seat for 1/2 an hour.
She starts to drift off to sleep when we are 10 minutes from home. I don't want that to happen. So I start talking to her and I give her something to chomp on. Then she got messy, so I handed her a wipe to play with. She stayed awake til we got home, thankfully!
While she is napping, I cleaned out the 2nd refrigerator. Not nearly as gross as the 1st one. I cleaned off the back of the stove and cleaned and arranged my canister set. The kitchen is shaping up!
I'm pretty proud of how productive I was today. I also bought a seat to go over the big potty. We'll see if that makes a difference to her. A mom can hope, can't she?
Posted by Nickol at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Seeking Haven
That's the name of my message board that I run with a friend. It is taking off! We currently have around 15 active members. Tonight we had a record total of 8 on at one time and it was so much fun!
I like having a place of my own. Its kind of like that "Cheers" theme song. This is the place where everyone knows my name. They are always glad that I came. I hope they feel the same way!
Today Brie "used her words". I am constantly telling her to "use her words" when she starts to whine and point at something. Today, she came to me and said, "Munch". That is her word for lunch. It was only 11:00am, but apparently she was ready for some lunch. I was so thrilled and I praised her.
I've started introducing the potty to her. She is less than thrilled. She'll sit on it for 2.2 seconds and then she wants into the bathroom (her potty is in the playroom). The only reason she wants into the bathroom is so that she can go into the shower to use her shower crayons. *insert eyeroll* I tried sitting her on the big potty and that scared her more. She is so not ready for potty training. :(
Posted by Nickol at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Hot once again
I had to run to town to get some mac-n-cheese for dinner. I have no a/c in the car. That equalled one hot ride and one cranky toddler. To my defense, she was cranky before we left, so it was inevitable even if it were the perfect temperature outside.
She was cranky today because she thought that a 2 hr nap was plenty. Not exactly. She woke up rubbing her eyes and by the time we hit the last step she was whining. It just sorta escalated from there.
I started a new cleaning regime today. My bathroom is now sparkling. I am pretty pleased with my efforts. Tomorrow is the living room and diningroom and possibly the upstairs bathroom. I hate doing the upstairs one as it is under construction (and it probably will always be).
Posted by Nickol at 5:59 PM 0 comments