Well, we are in deep into party planning. You know, I really dread the day she actually has friends she'd like to invite. I don't know what we are going to do. My side of the family is huge enough as it is. UGH!
We've decided on doing a potluck like we did last year. We'll provide the meat, they provide the side dishes. I'm still up about the cake. Cakes are so expensive especially large enough for the crew I need to feed. So I may make one and then buy one or make a bear one and buy a plain one. I don't know. EEEK!
We've bought her gifts. She's seen them, but has forgotten by the time we get home, so it'll be all new when she opens them up. I've already had one aunt call to get her clothing size. She was amazed that she was in a 4T.
Her 2 yr check up is scheduled for October 13th. Her 2 yr pictures are tomorrow. Go Portraits claims that they may be in by the 14th, but likely not til the 18th. So, we'll hope by the 14th and then I can just pass them out while I'm at Brie's party.
Tomorrow evening we are going to a birthday party at a pumpkin patch. A hayrack ride is included, but we may opt out as it's a spooky haunted one. They do the same one during the daytime, but it's without live actors. Since the party doesn't start til 6, I am thinking our ride will be with the live actors. We'll see once we get there.
I can't believe that she's almost 2!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Birthday planning
Posted by Nickol at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Grey's Anatomy and ER
Season premiers tonight for both. I was so excited and made sure I had snacks, comfy clothes, and a blanket. I was set to go!
Those shows did not let me down with the season premiers. I am hooked all over again and am waiting for next week to come! Yay!
On other news, Brie was in rare form today. She refused breakfast and her nap. Managed to dunk her head and a bear in the dogs' water dish this morning. An all around naughty whiney day. Here's hoping for a different outcome tomorrow.
Posted by Nickol at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Tongue update and other news....
Tongue is healing beautifully. The purple hue is gone. She still has the raised group of buds that bug the daylights out of her, but she deals with it.
We went to a grandparent's day thingy on Sunday and she got to pet a sheep and a bunny. The bunny was so behaved! blink.gif Brie poked its nose and it didn't even flinch. Awesome!
Then we went to pick up her toddler bed. Yeah, mommy's not quite ready for it yet, so we'll be painting it and getting it ready for when mommy is ready for it. We also have the side rail to prevent falling. Although, if she falls from the toddler bed it is gonna be a heck of a lot shorter distance than the top of the crib railing!
We also got a whole bag of clothes, video tapes of Barney, and shoes. Can't wait to sift through that...which reminds me, I need to get that from the car. We also got a rusty red wagon....but it works! Next time, we are picking up a trike.
While at Gigi's we went grocery shopping with her. Gigi bought her some plastic food and dishes to go with her kitchen. We havent' had a chance to play with them, but I'm going to get them ready for her to do so tomorrow. I also found invitations for her birthday! They have bears on them and everything. I nabbed 2 packs and they were $1 each. Woot!
We stayed at Gigi's and Papa's and had dinner. We got home after 9pm. She's exhausted. It was a no nap day. Although, she did climb up on the couch, layed down, grabbed Papa's blankie (fleece tag) and rested for about 20 minutes.
Today I cleaned off the porch. I have a bazillion iris bulbs that I plucked out of various areas of the yard and put them on the porch. I moved them to the delapidated chair and cleaned the dirt off the porch. I organized the chairs and put a junk lamp and such into the garbage. It looks nice!
I must rave about the Magic Eraser. I bought one as Brie decided to color our front door and some walls. It took it right off! So, I tested it on my grungy kitchen walls (it was there when I moved in). Where I cleaned, it looks awesome!
Posted by Nickol at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Oh the boo-boo's
We went to my parents' house for Labor day. This meant no nap for Miss Brie. She won't nap anywhere but at home. She was pretty tired but doing well.
She was messing around with my brother and turned and fell. She fell down onto a plastic tub and hit her chin. This caused her to bite her tongue in three places. She did pretty good with it although it hurt and made eating difficult.
Then, she followed my mom into the kitchen and as my mom opened the fridge door, she bonked her head on it. My mom was afraid she'd have a black eye, but she doesn't.
She's still recovering from the tongue incident. Its a nice shade of purple on one side. She's eating and drinking just fine. Talking too.
Then Tuesday night, she woke up crying at 4am. I thought it was weird, so listend to see if she'd settle down. Nope. I go in there and she has her hand in the loop of a bow on her stuffed dog. It is wrapped tightly around her wrist. I try to untie it, but I'm sure its a safety feature that it doesn't come undone.
:sigh: that was a long night. We all went to bed early Wednesday night. I still feel super tired.
Posted by Nickol at 2:52 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 01, 2006
Still sick
Brie and I are both still sick, but on the mend. Now, Rick has it. :( I love Fall, but my allergies do not.
Brie has entered the terrible twos. Everyday is a battle of wills to see who's is stronger. Most days, its hers. I started the no blankie or binkie downstairs rule and she is not liking it. I explained that the blankie and the binkie still needed some more sleep and they needed to stay upstairs. She cried all the way down the stairs. :(
She finally perked up with a snack and some Baby Einstein. Soon, both were quickly forgotten and she was off to play. Then, 7pm rolled around and she was getting fussy. She wouldn't eat dinner so she was hungry. I had to feed her left over chicken nuggets. She kept crying for "blankie". :( I'm such a mean mom.
I don't mind that she uses them, but the blankie is adult sized. She drags it through water, dirt, pet hair. It gets very gross very quickly. She also doesn't like to part with it to wash it either. So it is best that it stays upstairs!
Too bad she won't use that nice bear blanket my brother bought her.
Posted by Nickol at 9:49 PM 0 comments