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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Update on yesterday

First, I don't think she napped. She was quiet upstairs, but when I went to get her at three she popped right up with no whining. She didn't look like she had just woken up.

Then we were off to my friend's house. We were slightly late, but oh well. She loved being the center of attention. I'm the only one with a baby. Julie has 3 teenage step children, but they weren't there.

Brie enjoyed playing with the keeshond puppy. She's a little ball of fur, the dog, not Brie...LOL They loved chasing each other around and taking toys from each other. Yeah, Brie doesn't like sharing with a dog. *eyeroll*

My friend Jill has a playset out in her backyard from the previous owner. It is about 6-7 ft high and only has a wooden ladder going to the top, no steps. So Brie decides she really wants to slide and doesn't come and tell me...she just starts up the ladder. So I help her a few times and then she's off and running with the dogs (there were also 2 beagles and a greyhound there).

Soon, I'm talking with Julie and Jill and I can see them watching something over my shoulder. I turn around and Brie is 2 rungs from the top. I jump up and run over to finish helping her. I think I yelled "Oh my god!" before running over there. My little daredevil. Julie and Jill just laughed at me saying they were watching her and she was doing just fine. EEK!

We didn't get to stay long, we had to go to my parent's house. Brie threw a fit. When I opened the car door, she threw herself in the grass crying. I had to bribe her into the carseat with Teddy Grahams.

We get to my parent's house and my brother gives her his gift. Its a really soft bear attached to a blanket. Brie looks at it and starts crying "Bear". But she is mad that the blanket won't come off of it. She tries to rip them apart saying, "Stuck". She gives it to my mom to "fix" and then my dad to "fix". When that fails, she throws it on the floor and stomps off crying.

If you bring the blanket near her she freaks out and starts crying. She'll actually run away from it. So, we put it away for a while and my mom gives her the plastic pail and shovel. She likes that! She calms down and righ before dinner I try the blanket again.

Its still "stuck". She's not freaking out over it though. It was still "stuck" when we got home and she showed her dad. I gave it to her to sleep with and it was outside the crib this morning. I brought it down this morning, but she'll only look at it.

Its a really pretty soft blanket and it was expensive. Apparently, Brie doesn't care!

Here's the bear: